biscuit appreciation society has had several invites to various Vicars'
tea parties, and as always there is a fight as to who will attend the
reason is this: Vicars are well known for having possibly the best biscuits
on the planet. In fact, many of the biscuit organisation's members are
insanely jealous at the sheer quality and quantity of the biscuits.
According to the Vicar, it is his dear wife who bakes the biscuits.
Whilst we fell for this for a short period of time (after all, why shouldn't
we believe the vicar?), due to the lovely baking smell that emanated
from the house, we were forced to reconsider the Vicar's information.
It happened on a sunny Sunday. Two of our members had both been invited
to two different tea parties in two completely different counties. We
had asked them both to bring back a handful of the biscuits, so that
those who had not yet attended a tea party, could sample the delights.
Once the two had returned from their escapade, to our horror, the biscuits
were exactly the same! Not only did they taste the same, they
also had exactly the same etchings on them, that each Vicar's wife had
claimed to have carved in herself! Suddenly it all became clear!
discovery - The conspiracy unravelled
We went deep under cover for 2 months, attending as many tea parties
as we all could. We took down as much information as
we could, took pictures (that are still being developed), and secret
video footage. The conspiracy was beginning to unravel. It turned out
that the fresh biscuit baking smell was in fact being generated by bako-matic,
produced by non other than the "Vicar's Tea Party Group Ltd".
All this covert device does, is sit in a corner under the table, and
emit the smell of biscuits being baked. It had us all fooled, but now it has been
proven! We questioned the Vicars about this, and all refused to comment
and claimed that they wanted a solicitor.
we have all been refused any subsequent invitations to Vicars' tea parties.