hired a very clever programmer person (who shall remain anonymous due
to security reasons) called Bill Bates, who prefers to go under the
name of "Master", presumably as an archaic reference to an
old British computer from an era long since past. Master Bates spent
5 weeks in front of his computer and eventually hacked into a Swiss
bank account, and stole 250 million pounds. Using this money, we then
hired a top research company to come up with a way of promoting biscuit
appreciation. They recommended to us the idea of the Now! initiative
to help us in our quest. This involves encouraging fellow appreciators
to include a link to our web site from their own site by means of a
small icon emblazoned with the words "Biscuit Now", as shown

If you would
like to join the Biscuit Now! initiative, simply copy the following
HTML code into your web page:
href="http://www.biscuit.org.uk/"><img src="http://www.biscuit.org.uk/biscuitnow.gif"
height="30" width="90" border="0"></a>
thank all fellow biscuit appreciators who choose to join the initiative.
If you would like to promote biscuit appreciation still further, please
look to the "Becoming an Appreciator"
section of this website.
again, thankyou, from all the members of the Biscuit Appreciation Society.
Your kindness shall be rewarded in Hob Nob Heaven.